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Click on the links below to learn more about MMLA's past and current legislative and other advocacy efforts on behalf of our members and the local governments they represent in Massachusetts.

MMLA Policy on Supporting Legislation, Regulations, and Other Policy Matters

Legislative Packages

Legislative packages proposed by MMLA are approved by the MMLA Executive Board based on a recommendation by the Legislative Committee.

Current Legislative Package (2023-24) / 11/27/2023 Letter to Lt. Governor Driscoll Regarding MMLA Legislative Priorities

Legislative Package 2021-22

Legislative Package 2019-20

MMLA Correspondence to Governor and Legislature regarding Specific Legislation

Open Meeting Law Legislation

 Date  Subject
 3/5/24  Letter to Legislature Commenting on Municipal Empowerment Act (including Open Meeting Law related provisions)
 7/26/23  Letter to Legislature Commenting on Certain Proposed Open Meeting Law Legislation in 2023-24 Legislative Session
 3/27/23  Letter to Governor Regarding Extension of COVID-19 Related Open Meeting Law Provisions
 3/9/23  Letter to Senate Regarding Extension of COVID-19 Related Open Meeting Law Provisions
 3/3/23  Letter to House Regarding Extension of COVID-19 Related Open Meeting Law Provisions
 3/1/23  Letter to House Regarding Extension of COVID-19 Related Open Meeting Law Provisions
 7/11/22  Letter to House and Senate Regarding Extension of COVID-19 Related Open Meeting Law Provisions
 7/6/22  Letter to House and Senate Regarding Extension of COVID-19 Related Open Meeting Law Provisions

Article 97 Legislation

 Date  Subject
 1/22/25  Letter to Executive Office of Energy and Environmental Affairs Commenting on Draft Regulations for Disposition or Change in Use of Article 97 Interests
 11/17/22  Letter to Governor Baker Commenting on H.5381, An Act Preserving Open Space in the Commonwealth (submitted jointly with the Massachusetts Municipal Association)

Zoning Act Legislation

 Date  Subject
 3/8/24  Letter to Legislature Commenting on Affordable Homes Act
 3/5/24  Letter to Legislature Commenting on Municipal Empowerment Act (including Local Zoning Control of Outdoor Dining provisions)
 12/21/23  Letter to Legislature Regarding HB.3551, An Act Facilitating Site Plan Review
 10/24/23  Letter to House and Senate regarding HB.3555, An Act Relative to a Local Option for Associate Members of Planning Boards

Cannabis Legislation

 Date  Subject
 1/23/25  Letter to Cannabis Control Commission Commenting on Draft On-Site Social Consumption Establishment Regulations
 8/4/22  Letter to Governor Regarding S.3096, An Act Relative to Equity in the Cannabis Industry                                              
 7/12/22  Letter to House and Senate Regarding Cannabis Legislation (H.4800 & S.2823)

Other Legislation

Date  Subject
 7/24/24  Letter to House Regarding HB 4520, An Act to Modernize Civil Service Laws
 4/26/24  Letter to Governor Regarding Outdoor Dining Legislation in Supplemental Budget 
 3/5/24  Letter to Legislature Regarding Municipal Empowerment Act (including Uniform Procurement Act provisions)
2/6/24  Letter to House and Senate Regarding HB 2043, An Act Relative to the Effective Enforcement of Municipal Ordinances and Bylaws                         
 2/1/24  Letter to House and Senate Regarding SB 2069, An Act Providing for Alternative Delivery of Infrastructure Projects
 2/1/24  Letter to House and Senate Regarding HB1723 (SB1137) - An Act Relative to Legal Advertisements in Online-only Newspapers

MMLA Correspondence to State Agencies Regarding Regulations and Guidance

Cannabis Regulations/Guidance 

 Date  Subject
 4/25/24  Letter to Cannabis Control Commission Commenting on 4/11/24 Model Equity Bylaw (submitted jointly with the Massachusetts Municipal Association)
 1/31/24  Letter to Cannabis Control Commission Commenting on 1/17/24 Model HCA (submitted jointly with the Massachusetts Municipal Association)
 9/8/23  Letter to Cannabis Control Commission Commenting on 935 CMR 500.000 Adult Use of Marijuana Draft Regulations - Attached MMLA Edits to Draft Regulations (submitted jointly with the Massachusetts Municipal Association)
 4/28/23  Letter to Cannabis Control Commission Regarding Regulatory Review Pursuant to Chapter 180 of the Acts of 2022, An Act Relative to Equity in the Cannabis Industry

MBTA Zoning (G.L. c. 40, s. 3A)

 Date  Subject
 2/21/25 Letter to Executive Office of Housing and Livable Communities for Emergency/Draft Regulations (760 CMR 72.00) for Multi-family Zoning Requirements for MBTA Communities
 3/28/22  Letter to DHCD Commenting on Draft Compliance Guidelines for Multi-Family Districts under Section 3A of the Zoning Act (submitted jointly with the Massachusetts Municipal Association)


 Date Subject

Letter to EOHLC Providing Comments to Draft Regulations - 760 CMR 71.00 Protected Use Accessory Dwelling Units


Massachusetts Municipal Lawyers Association
115 North Street
Hingham, MA 02043

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