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  • 24 Oct 2023 2:48 PM | Christopher Brown (Administrator)

    The MMLA today submitted a letter to the Legislature in support of HB.3555, which if it becomes law will create a local option for municipalities to remove restrictions that currently prevent associate members of planning boards from participating in matters other than special permit issues before a planning board.

  • 2 Oct 2023 5:15 PM | Christopher Brown (Administrator)

    Massachusetts Lawyers Weekly recently named current MMLA President Karis North to its Top Women of Law list for 2023. Karis will be honored at an event on November 1st,  with Lawyers Weekly celebrating the achievements of exceptional women lawyers who are pioneers, educators, trailblazers and role models. More information is available here and on the Lawyers Weekly website. Congratulations Karis!

  • 2 Oct 2023 9:46 AM | Christopher Brown (Administrator)

    Our past president Henry Luthin was recently honored at the 2023 IMLA Annual Conference with the Charles S. Rhyne Lifetime Achievement in Municipal Law Award. The award is the highest award given by IMLA, meant to honor the recipient's lifetime achievements in the field of municipal law and be a lasting commemorative to Charles S. Rhyne's founding of the International Municipal Lawyers Association and to his life's work.

    Our Executive Director, Jim Lampke, and Past President Chris Petrini, were on hand to congratulate Henry in person, along with his wife Marianne. Congratulations Henry on this well-deserved recognition of your distinguished career in municipal law!

  • 28 Sep 2023 10:47 AM | Christopher Brown (Administrator)

    Please see below some wonderful news from our friends at the Massachusetts Moderators Association:

    Town Meeting Time, 3rd Edition

    In Searchable e-Book Format

    The Massachusetts Moderators Association is delighted to announce that Town Meeting Time,  in a fully searchable, e-book form, is now available for online purchase and download at the following link:  
    Town Meeting Time is the definitive guide to the art and practice of Massachusetts Town Meeting and the handbook of choice for Moderators, town counsel, town officials, and interested citizens in most Massachusetts towns.
    This first electronic edition is a faithful reproduction of the 3rd print edition, circa 2001. The index has been omitted, in favor of offering full, arbitrary text search.

    Now Available for Purchase

    We recommend that Mac and iOS users buy the Apple Books version. We recommend that Windows and Android users buy the Kobo version. These are both priced at $34.99.  A Kindle version is also available from Amazon, currently priced at $69.99. 

  • 8 Sep 2023 1:37 PM | Christopher Brown (Administrator)

    The MMLA recently joined with the Massachusetts Municipal Association to submit comments to the Cannabis Control Commission on the Commission's filed 935 CMR 500.000 Adult Use of Marijuana Draft Regulations. Thank you to all who participated in this joint effort, especially the members of MMLA's Legislative Committee. A copy of the letter and MMLA/MMA's proposed edits to the Draft Regulations can be accessed at the links below.


    Proposed Edits

  • 23 May 2023 2:39 PM | Christopher Brown (Administrator)

    Below is an email sent by DHCD to municipalities and the MMLA regarding an update on the implementation of Section 3A of the Zoning Act relative to MBTA Community Zoning requirements:

    Dear MBTA Community stakeholders: 
    The Section 3A/MBTA Communities team is pleased to announce the following updates in Section 3A implementation:

    New Funding for MBTA Communities Compliance Activities
    On Tuesday 5/9/2023, the Healey-Driscoll Administration announced the availability of additional funding for municipalities across the Commonwealth to support community planning and engagement efforts geared towards increasing the production of housing.  Section 3A compliance activities are eligible for the funding.  Applications are available through the Community One Stop for Growth program, which is open through June 2, 2023, at  These "early action" grants will be announced in mid -June and municipalities must be able to execute a contract by June 30, 2023.  This funding opportunity is a chance to secure funding for completing an economic feasibility analysis with a start date of July 1, 2023. Get more information about this opportunity at:

    Sample Zoning
    A sample zoning bylaw/ordinance is now available on the Section 3A website under “Resources for MBTA Communities”.  This sample zoning sets forth a framework for developing a local zoning overlay district to comply with Section 3A. It is complete with commentary to help practitioners work through the requirements of Section 3A and the suggestions contained in the sample. 

    Inclusionary Zoning Guidance/Economic Feasibility Analysis Details
    MBTA communities with inclusionary zoning requirements that require an economic feasibility analysis may now find details, instructions, and forms for conducting and submitting the analysis.  The materials are available on the Section 3A website under “Resources for MBTA Communities”. The release of this information means that all MBTA communities can submit a district compliance application. 

    Pre-adoption Review Application
    MBTA Communities seeking assurance that proposed zoning will meet Section 3A requirements before bringing that zoning to a local legislative session may now submit a “Pre-adoption Review Application”.  This application is an option, not a requirement, and it is available on the Section 3A website under “District Compliance”. Please be advised that pre-adoption review applications must be submitted at least 90 days prior to a local legislative session to allow for a timely DHCD review.

    Updated Compliance Model
    An updated version of the Section 3A Compliance Model is now available Section 3A website under “Compliance Model”. Those working in or with communities on compliance model activities should download and use the latest version.  Detailed release notes on the revisions to the model are also available on the website. 
    Please do not hesitate to reach out with any questions about Section 3A. There is also a dedicated email address for technical questions: Thank you for your continued hard work and partnership in implementing this important zoning reform. 

    Nathan Carlucci
    MBTA Communities Compliance Coordinator (he - him)
    Department of Housing & Community Development
    Department of Housing & Community Development

  • 1 May 2023 9:46 AM | Christopher Brown (Administrator)

    On Friday, April 28, 2023, MMLA submitted comment to the Cannabis Control Commission regarding potential new regulation under Chapter 180 of the Acts of 2022, an Act Relative to Equity in the Cannabis Industry. MMLA submitted comment to three different Commission Working Groups: (1) the Host Community Agreement Working Group; (2) the Municipal Equity Working Group; and (3) the Social Consumption Working Group. 

    A copy of MMLA's letter can be viewed here.

  • 5 Apr 2023 10:28 AM | Christopher Brown (Administrator)

    Didn't get a chance to attend our program on April 4th? Access a copy of the materials below.



  • 29 Mar 2023 5:14 PM | Christopher Brown (Administrator)

    Good afternoon MMLA Members –

    Moments ago, Gov. Maura Healey signed into law a FY23 supplemental budget package (becoming Chapter 2 of the Acts of 2023) that includes an extension of certain COVID-19 relief measures including authority for public bodies, agencies and commissions, as well as Town Meetings, to hold meetings remotely until March 31, 2025, which is currently set to expire at the end of this month.  As previously reported, an emergency preamble was added the bill prior to its enactment in each branch which gives immediate effect to its provisions.

    A copy of the signed parchment is available here for your reference.

    MMLA has been actively involved throughout the legislative process advocating for these changes including most recently outreach to the Governor’s office.    Thanks to our Legislative Chair and all of you who contacted your legislators and the Governor’s office urging support of these critically important measures.

    Onward and upward!

    Matthew G. Feher, Esq.President
    Massachusetts Municipal Lawyers Association, Inc.

  • 24 Mar 2023 1:35 PM | Christopher Brown (Administrator)

    MMLA Members,

    We are pleased to report that competing House and Senate FY23 Supplement Budget packages were negotiated pre-conference, and the agreed-upon bill was enacted and sent to the Governor for signature on Thursday, March 23rd.  The bill before the Governor includes the language contained in each branch’s competing packages that would extend certain COVID-19 relief measures including extension of authority for public bodies, agencies and commissions, as well as Town Meetings, to hold meetings remotely until March 31, 2025, which is currently set to expire at the end of this month.  An emergency preamble was also added the bill prior to its enactment which gives immediate effect to its provisions once approved by the Governor.  The Governor has 10 days to sign the bill, veto the bill or allow the bill to become law without her signature.

    The MMLA was actively involved in promoting these provisions of the bill and I refer you to our prior letters to legislative leadership attached to prior updates and on our website.  We encourage all to reach out to the Governor’s office to express support of these important provisions.

    We will continue to keep you updated in real time.

    Thanks again and be well,

    Matthew G. Feher, Esq.
    Massachusetts Municipal Lawyers Association, Inc.


Massachusetts Municipal Lawyers Association
115 North Street
Hingham, MA 02043

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